Monday, July 7, 2014

Interpreter of Maladies and Other Books

Day 110: Interpreter of Maladies, a Suitable Boy and Other Books Not About India
After what feels like an eternity sitting in the sun in a non-air-conditioned car driving back from Gros Cap (how peaceful it is there!), I only have enough energy to pick out a few books for the giveaway pile. Two about India, one about China, one about ancient Britain, E.L. Doctorow's fictionalized biography of two brothers/hoarders, a fantasy novel (come on Jasper Fforde, you can do better!) and a mystery novel (about the U.P. where I've just been). 

Also I found five books to move to the "future reads" shelf. "A year of..." memoir of the ilk that has inspired me to do this year of getting rid of one thing a day (about meat!), a Susan Sontag book (haven't you always wanted to read her and never quite gotten around to it?), another one about India (is there a theme here?), one about Niagara Falls and one with a really cool retro cover (and Herman Wouk wrote one of the stories!).

Last week I unearthed popsicle makers from the cupboard and elected to make popsicles instead of giving them away. A trend?

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