Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Little Bo Peep's Cane

Day 105: Little Bo Peep's Cane
Can I be an old codger, now that I'm fifty? When I was a kid, our approach to Halloween costumes was completely different. I remember putting significant thought and creativity into the stuff we had at home, and how it could be transformed into a costume. A couple of costumes I particularly remember: a snowman out of a white terrycloth robe with pillows tied around my body, lumps of charcoal for buttons and an actual carrot tied around my nose. A cereal box out of a giant cardboard box, carefully papier mache'ed and painted to replicate Rice Krispies exactly, except larger and with holes for my head, legs and arms. My friend Shelly Tuer went as Frosted Flakes.
Little Bo Peep probably actually
had a shepherd's crook. I hate to
imagine Emma, a shepherd's crook
and Joe and Sam all together in the
same room at that age.

When the kids were really little, my mom made awesome themed costumes each year for all the grandkids. One year, it was Little Bo Peep. There are advantages to being the oldest grandchild: Emma was Little Bo Peep, Joe and Sam were sheep. Then there was the Wizard of Oz. Emma was Dorothy. Little Red Riding Hood - guess who Emma was? The only vestige of the costumes I have is Little Bo Peep's cane.

My own children focus on buying the right thing rather than making the right thing. I tried to resist. I tried to get their creative juices flowing. I tried to suggest fabrics and objects that might turn into something exciting and original. One year, it worked. Emma and I crafted a giant Pepsi can using a two-foot diameter metal ring that used to hold our dog food pail shut, plus a lot of blue, red and white felt and Elmer's glue. She even won an award.

But in general, most of their Halloween costuming has involved Fantasy Attic or eBay. And in truth, everybody else's costumes are store bought. Forcing them to wear handmade costumes is like sending children of the 1950's to school with homemade bread: embarrassing.

I can only hope that after fifty more years, homemade costumes will be cool again. Just like home baking.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when your parents used to have a photo taken of all the kids in their themed costumes and used it as their Christmas card photo. I really remember the Wizard of Oz ones. Adorable!
