Cleaning out the kitchen implement drawer. When my 80-year-old neighbor, Barbara, sold her house and moved in with her boyfriend, she bequeathed several kitchen implements to us. We have two of those things: can opener, potato peeler, wooden spoon, nutcracker. These I can't bring myself to give away. I still miss Barbara.
The longhorn bottle opener Sam got for free somewhere has never been used. Why am I reluctant to give it away? Because. It might be useful someday. You could attach it to your keychain. I'll just put it on the free table at work. That way, someone will definitely get use out of it.
Plastic forks and spoons can go into the plastic cutlery box. They'll end up in the trash someday, but the kids will use them in lunches one more time before they're discarded.
There are a bajillion rubber bands. Note to self: purchase broccoli at the farmer's market in the future. No rubber bands. There are a bajillion little plastic bread fasteners. Must take up baking. Bread fasteners and rubber bands go in the trash.

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