Monday, March 31, 2014

Oh No!

Day Twelve: Oh No!, Cords, Batteries and Other Miscellaneous Electronic Stuff

I shoved a mass of cords, headphones, batteries and miscellaneous electronic stuff in an empty bread bag and put the bag under the seat of my scooter to bring to work. The innards of a Mr. Bill dog toy were in the bag. Harpo has long since chewed the toy to bits, but this little recording is so funny, I haven't been able to bring myself to throw it away. All the way to work, every time I hit a bump or rounded a corner, Mr. Bill would moan "Oh no!" from under my seat. I laughed so hard, I still can't bring myself to throw it away. It's sitting on the table in my office now, so when people come to me with problems, we can just hit the button.

I was planning to give this mysterious Apple thing to Adam, our IT guy, because I figured he would know what it was for and would be able to use it. He does know what it's for - you can pause and restart Netflix on your computer with it - but he has one already. I decided to keep it, now that I understand it better.

Anything can be recycled or reused where I work. I am getting rid of all the other cords, broken earbuds, dead batteries, plugs that go to nothing, and one lone cell phone. They went in the garbage, in the "property disposition" pile for resale to benefit the botanical gardens, or in the recycling bin. Any one of these items would be worthy of an entire blog post, but I'm certain I have more of all of them lurking in drawers in my house. I still have 353 days to go.


  1. There are occasional tech disposal days when electronics can be safely gotten rid of.

  2. Old cables and batteries are real clutter monsters and finding a way to dispose of them frees up space.

  3. Must. Find. Innards. Of. Mr. Bill. Dog. Toy.
