Friday, March 28, 2014

Bridesmaid's Gowns

Day 9: Bridesmaid's Gowns
Lisa heading out in the rain
to collect her long-lost gowns

The only time I've ever worn a bridesmaid's gown was ten years ago, for a costume party given by my husband's boss for her 45th birthday. I borrowed two from a co-worker and chose the one I liked the best, a low-cut silk number with ruffles and a black taffeta rose. Rich wore a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, a ruffled shirt and long sideburns.

There was a picture of us somewhere, but now it's gone.

Lisa had asked me to return the gowns, but I never did. After the party, I took them to the office and hung them on the back of the door. They hung there for several months, winking at me during business meetings. Lisa and I were never able to connect. I got another job, packed up the office and took them home.

By then, I felt they needed to be pressed and cleaned. The dry cleaner would not take them because of the sequins and ruffles. They lay crushed in a tiny basket in my closet, a trip hazard and a reproach.

A few days ago, I took the gowns out, hung them inside-out on a hanger, and spritzed them with water. They don't smell bed. They don't have stains. They were just wrinkly. And now they're not.

Here's what Lisa had to say about it:

 On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Lisa wrote:
That is so funny that you emailed me. I was cleaning out my closet the other day and trying to find things for our fun fashion show/fundraiser at our church. I pulled out a couple of my dresses and said, oh too bad I didn’t get those dresses from Karen – those would be fun to have someone wear down the runway!!!

I was laughing (and crying) when I was digging out my other dresses! They are so tiny.  Oh, to be young and tiny again.

All that worrying for nothing.

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