Day 296: Baskets

Baskets! I like them almost as much as I like bowls, towels and sheets. But, as with every other category of objects, not all baskets are created equal. Some are lovely, colorful, finely woven, handmade craftsmanship. Others come from the bargain table at Michael's. While these aren't quite junk, they're not nearly as nice as the handled basket my sister gave me a few years ago, which she got at the art fair, or the deep blue rectangular basket Bob got me at 10,000 Villages, or the giant sturdy baskets I bought from a tribal woman in Nairobi and brought back with me on the airplane.
The only reason I still have these - day 294 - is that they have been stored on top of my kitchen cabinets, well above eye level. I happened to glance up this morning and thought, "Aha!" One more day taken care of.
Now, if I could just get Rich out to the studio.
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