Today is the day you don't get in California, or Florida, or Costa Rica. It's the day the sun shines and the snow melts and the incessant sound of the furnace finally pauses. Today, robins sing and basements flood.
When we pass each other on the sidewalk, we smile and say, "Nice day." When we slip on the ice, we don't mind so much, because things do get a little slippery before it all dries out and the crocuses come out. When we stop at the corner and wait for the light to change, we turn our pale faces to the sun, close our eyes and draw breath.
Today, we remember our Birkenstocks.
Today is a wang-dang-doodle, shindig jamboree.
It's wahoo, woot woot, weeyaw and hot-diggity dog.
It's yessir, you betcha, yes indeedy-do, yeppers, mm-hmm, true dat, yes ma'am.
It's get-out-of-jail-free day.
Today is hope, faith, charity and love, all rolled up in a ball of sunshine and a fresh breeze.
Today is spring.
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