Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Stuff Project

Day 365: The Stuff Project


Today, I'm getting rid of the stuff project, and my blog. I'll have time to knit dishcloths, and make purses out of neckties, and plant tomatoes. I'll have more time for yoga, and cooking, and keeping a journal. Most likely, the level of clutter in the house will gradually creep upwards. In two years, or ten years, or twelve, we may end up right back where we've started.

Or maybe not. I've learned a few things. Like about how merchandizing calls out to you and makes you want to buy stuff. And about how getting new stuff might be pleasing, but it doesn't really make you happy.

I've learned about how we measure a healthy economy in terms of stuff, and how so many objects are made with damaging environmental or social production practices, in the U.S. and abroad...making a healthy economy and a healthy environment incompatible.

The analogy that sticks with me the most from this year is the parallel between eating too much and buying too much. Junk food tastes so good when you eat it, but in the end, it's not very good for you. It makes you sick.

So I'm resolved to be awake. To spend my money on experiences instead of things. To spend good money on good things, instead of buying bargains. To appreciate what I have, so I won't want to reach for the next shiny object. To take care of what I have, so it will last a lifetime.

Now for a glass of champagne (or maybe a cold beer) and a warm bath.

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