My brother has suggested that starting next week, I could acquire one thing a day and blog about it, every day for a year. By the end of next year, I'll be back to where I was a year ago.
To get a jump on this idea, I've been to my parents house twice in the last two days. There, I acquired six pink champagne flutes and four pink martini glasses to add to the two pink martini glasses they gave us when we married. Apparently, they offered us this set of glasses soon after we moved back to Ann Arbor. I remember their saying the first two glasses were part of a larger set. I have no recollection of refusing the rest, but they were being stored in a carton with my name on it. My father is cleaning house.
I came away also with two tiny sherry glasses decorated with cut glass stars. I remember these from my childhood, as doll toys. My father got them in 1962, in Tokyo, when he was in the Navy. He also gave me a bottle of sherry, a bottle of port, several liquors and liqueurs and miscellaneous other beverages to put into the lovely glasses.
From my mother, a nice sturdy needlepoint frame, imported from England, to replace the flimsy one I bought myself at Joann Fabrics and got rid of earlier this year. Also some leftover beautifully dyed soft wool yarn from my favorite needlepoint kit designer.
Does this mean I need to extend the stuff project another day, or three?
The reverse stuff project won't happen, but I am resolved to be vigilant - or at least thoughtful - about what I do bring into the housen the future.
I like Sam's idea better. I eat only whole foods for a year, while he eats only prepackaged foods.
We'll see who feels better at the end.
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