Day 346: National Geographic Videos
To me, these videos are the screen-time equivalent of broccoli. Why would I watch National Geographic videos when dozens - nay, hundreds, of Star Trek videos await?
Why would I eat broccoli when the world is full of beets and cucumbers and acorn squash?
Don't get me wrong. I have a great fondness for National Geographic. I spent three days laying on a sofa in a rented room in the Hebrides 19 years ago, reading National Geographics from cover to cover in between dashes to the bathroom. All-day morning sickness.
Has anyone noticed how much better t.v. is than it was 19 years ago? And how much worse? The line between t.v. and movies is blurring, and in some cases, t.v. series play like a ten, twenty or thirty hour movie. The difference is the venue: at home in your Archie and Edith chairs, or at the theater with popcorn and a giant drink in your hand.
And at the theater, the audience seems to have lost track of the distinction as well. Is it my imagination, or do people talk and text their way through movies on the big screen just as they would at home alone?
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