Day 242: Citronella Candle
Thank you for breaking, citronella candle. You've been stinking up our camping gear for too many years. Every year, I bring you out of storage and set you on the table on the back deck. I never light you, because your smoke stuffs up my nose and makes my eyes water. The bats living in our eaves do a better job discouraging mosquitos than your smoke does anyway.
I've developed an on-line records management system for the Arb & Gardens that has had me reviewing and assessing hundreds of documents over the past few years. My favorite? A letter to the director from 1964 complimenting him on the beauty of the Arboretum, but asking whether something could be done to eliminate the mosquitos.
Joe Mooney, trusted insect expert (among his other talents), told me that the most effective way to discourage mosquitos is with a breeze. Mosquitos, he says, are not strong fliers. You can even purchase a little battery-powered fan to bring with you on a hike, although reviews on the effectiveness of this are mixed.
Consumer Reports gives exactly the kind of advice that often makes expensive research projects seem most ridiculous: stay inside. They have additional common-sensical suggestions that are not quite as obvious (but still pretty damned obvious): covering up and eliminating mosquito breeding areas from your yard.
Moving back to California is also an option.
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