Friday, October 10, 2014


Day 204: Clothes
Every spring and fall, I go through my clothes and get rid of anything I haven't worn in a year or more. There are always things I can't bring myself to get rid of. Like the beautiful purple silk dress I wore to my sister's wedding, approaching 20 years ago. I've only worn it once. I think it's time to let it go.

Here's the haul, and it's amazing how much there was. 

6 blouses
3 dresses
7 t-shirts
2 sweaters
1 jackets
3 pairs athletic shorts 
3 pairs dress pants
1 pair light summer pants
2 pairs sweat pants
1 pair dress jeans
1 pair Levi's
1 partridge in a pear tree

 I did keep the dress I got married in. 

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