Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Halloween Coloring

Day 222: Halloween Coloring
Sam used to draw the most expressive, comical, appealing faces.
This pumpkin makes me laugh every time I take it out of the box.
I am not one of those mothers who does up the whole house with holiday decorations. I'm more of a just-in-time kind of gal. Which means that I just realized today (Tuesday) that Friday is Halloween. For holiday decorations, the kids have to go to my mom's.

Just recently Sam's English teacher told him he has
talent as a poet. You can see this talent started to
emerge at a young age.
This is the only thing I can actually get rid of.
Nothing original - just colored-in Xerox copies.
Haven't put them up in years.
Nevertheless, I have a whole boxful of holiday stuff that will have to be buried with me in my coffin, because I will never give them up. Never. In the whole big box, I found very, very little that I could bear to part with.

And a whole lot that gives me joy.
Your friendly neighborhood vampire, arriving on time
to suke your blood. Another classic from Emma Jane
that  makes me laugh. Every time.

Skeletons made out of Q-Tips, pumpkins in a patch,
maniacal scarecrows. All keepers.


  1. We photographed all the kids' art, uploaded to dropbox, and recycled almost everything.

  2. Wow! We have an entire closet room papered in kid art. Makes me feel cemented to this house. Maybe box files would be freeing.
