Saturday, October 18, 2014

Instrument of Dog Torture

Day 211: Instrument of Dog Torture
Sometimes when you get rid of something - or someone - she comes back. What a great day that is! I was so glad to lay eyes on Emma Jane, have dinner with her friend Kelsey and then have three hours with her all to myself on the drive home. We talked ourselves hoarse.

Harpo finds this torturous, although Chester loved it.
I'll probably keep finding little Chester things around.
And keep finding it hard to get rid of them.
Harpo, on the other hand, did not enjoy the ride to Ball State and back. He stood up and panted the entire way there, jumping from the back to the front seat, looking for a comfortable spot. They were so glad to see each other, it was almost worth it. But only almost. Next time, he stays home.

Today, she's taking me to the gym to teach me about weight lifting and strength training. She says that women's fitness information overemphasizes cardio in service of losing weight or creating the idealized body. Strength training is about strength. Power.

Looking forward to four more days and three more nights with my girl.

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