Thursday, October 9, 2014

Floor Sprinkles

Day 203: Floor Sprinkles
It's damned lucky that I noticed this baggie of leftover sprinkles on the stairway windowsill as I was heading to the basement to put something away just now. If I hadn't, today would have been the day that I would have had to cry wolf. Today was the day the Wootenwoods Music & Nature Camp commitment and deposit was due from the Community High Jazz Band kids. I am the treasurer and responsible for collecting the forms and deposits. Oh, Sam dropped jazz band, but I didn't want to leave the director in the lurch. Did I mention that I also had eight hours of meetings today (and yesterday, and Tuesday, and Monday) and have been pinging between two organizations, one in a fever pitch of excitement over strategic planning and the other in grief?

I'm exhausted.

That's all.

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