Office supplies come out of the woodwork like bedsheets. Every box, every drawer, every shelf has unused or unnecessary supplies. When put together in one place, the number of binders, folders, notebooks, pens, pencils, compasses, highlighters, erasers, index cards, post-it's, bookmarks, calculators, separators, thumb tacks, envelopes, scotch tapes, Wite-Out, glue sticks, labels, stickers and Magic Markers is stunning.
In my heavy box of musty files, for example, I found a big fat black padded binder with gold-embossed script on the cover ("Homeowner's Records"), filled with separately labelled envelopes that said things like, "Mortgage," "Inspections," "Title Insurance," and "Closing Documents." The envelopes were empty and the fancy Real Estate One pen, never used, was completely dried out. The binder was full of Tom the Realtor's Real Estate One business cards, Tom of the upswept blond locks, sincere smile and anxious solicitousness, evident even in the tiny 1"X1" photos on the cards. Tom would fit right in on the set of "Best in Show." In fact, I think Christopher Guest's next mockumentary should be titled "Recently Sold!"
First off, we have the same thing at our house. Secondly, I would totally watch that movie!