Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Day 27: Eggcase

Some stuff is better in concept than in reality. In concept, this egg container is an excellent addition to your camping gear. Plus, a person with chickens could really use this when the eggs start to accumulate. In reality, the little prongs that purportedly hold the eggs in place are specially designed egg-piercers. If you get your eggs from any hen except a bantam silkie, this eggcase will give you nothing but a soupy mess.

Emma loves this little eggcase. She imagines the chickens putting on a business tie and strutting off to Wall Street.

They are clucking right now. We can hear them through the glass doors. They know we are about to give away their eggcase.


  1. I have found that eggs really don't fit very well - the eggs are too big.

  2. The hens would be commodities brokers, of course.

  3. But Jell-o mold! You know, for all those times you want to make egg-shaped Jell-o.
