Tuesday, April 29, 2014

History Books

Day 41: History Books
Today is Tina's birthday. Mine will follow shortly. I don't want to give away her (our) age, but it ends in zero, is greater than 40 and less than 60.

I've been trying to think of something I can get rid of in Tina's honor. She's taught me a few lessons:
  1. Clothes that are too big make you look fat
  2. Cheap make-up looks cheap
  3. Spend more to get what you really want, because you'll keep it longer
I either like reading history books because I have an MPA,
or I have an MPA because I like reading history books.
Upon reflection, I'm keeping
I've learned these lessons so well that I don't have any too-big clothes or cheap make-up. I'm working on the unwanted crap.

I thought of giving away all my public administration textbooks. We went to graduate school together in public administration and policy, and worked together as budget and policy analysts for many years. I doubt either of us will ever be a policy analyst again. Unfortunately, it turns out I already let go of all my old textbooks.

I also thought of buying myself a Ford Fusion hybrid, but that is probably taking lesson three too far. Would it count as getting rid of something if I got rid of my trashed RAV4? Would it be an homage to Tina?

Happy birthday, Tina. Here's to the next 25 years.

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