Saturday, May 17, 2014


Day 59: Crutches
Crutches can have a second life as a toy. A boy can use them as a mobile jungle gym, or they make great machine guns. This is true only if they've been taken out of the basement and brought upstairs.

Emma got these crutches years ago when she sprained her ankle playing miniature golf with her littler cousins. They didn't cost us a thing - health insurance covered it - but I've been reluctant to get rid of them. They might come in handy some day.

Health insurance: don't get me started. So complicated, I don't even know how to think about it. There must be some relationship between the high cost of medical care and the fact that we've got perfectly serviceable medical equipment moldering in the basement, courtesy of Blue Care Network.

Someone without insurance might be able to use these. Up they go on Freecycle. Between the four of us, we've only needed crutches for a few days that one time, but if we do need crutches again, I suppose insurance will cover it again.

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