Thursday, May 15, 2014

More Tricycles

Day 57: More Tricycle Magazines
Connie was disappointed when she learned
I'd dropped off all the 
Tricycles at the library.
Won't she be surprised!
If you think it's hard to organize a house, imagine what it's like to organize a 50-year-old two-acre building complex - including three barns - as we are doing at Matthaei Botanical Gardens right now. The plant labels have been especially challenging. We keep thinking we've got them all consolidated, and then a few more pop up in a box in some hidden corner. They're like garlic in the bloodstream.

At home, magazines and bedsheets are like plant labels. They keep popping up everywhere. I thought I'd given away all the Tricycle Magazines weeks ago, but four more emerged amid the big pile of National Geographics a few days ago. An excuse to send some mail to Connie at the farm.

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