Sunday, May 11, 2014

National Geographics

Day 53: National Geographics

Eighteen years ago today, Rich and I left for our honeymoon in Scotland. Yes, that's right, we spent our honeymoon on that sunny tropical isle, Orkney. While there, I didn't feel too well*, so I spent a great deal of time lying on a sofa, reading National Geographics. I fantasized that reading those magazines would imbue my baby with a sense of wonder and discovery, and that she would pour over them as she grew up, ogling the naked people and learning about science. We took out a subscription as soon as we got back to San Francisco, and we've been receiving a National Geographic every month, and saving it, since. 

Today I gave the last ten year's worth to the Summers-Knoll School. I hope the kids and teachers there get as much pleasure as we've gotten out of them over the years. I can't say that Sam and Emma have read and reread them, but Rich still reads each one cover to cover, and the rest of us dip our toes in. Now it's time to share.

*My daughter will be 18 in December

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