Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Jewelry Chest Cupboard

Day 62: Jewelry Chest Cupboard
None of this cash payment for Sam! Toys are the thing
Junk cupboard has nothing worth
saving except the tooth fairy note
One of the delightful things about the stuff project is finding little treasures. This note is from the boy whose first word was "ball."

Sam is resolute that I should not give away any of his toys or games. He says he may wish to hand them down to his own children some day. This includes his Star Wars Trivial Pursuit game, which I cautiously suggested we could let go. Sam fears there will be nothing left at the end of a year.

His strategy may not be bad. My co-worker Jeff has been saving the Tonka trucks of his childhood for decades. (Jeff gets to use the real thing in his job as our natural areas manager.) All through college, graduate school, the jobs in between, and the jobs since, Jeff has held onto these toys. Dump truck, tractor, crane, hauler, digger, bulldozer, sturdy mini metal machines, now in the hands of Jeff's two-year-old son

Some things are worth saving.

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