Sunday, August 17, 2014

Girl Stuff

Day 151: Girl Stuff
Switching the kids' bedrooms. Now that Emma's gone, Sam gets to move into her bigger, brighter space. We spent the day cleaning, organizing and painting.  I promised not to give away her stuff, and I'm sticking to it. Mostly. 

Family dinner tonight, my nephew Joe's last for a while. At 14, he leaves for boarding school on Friday. With our numbers diminishing, I thought the little girls could use a bit of cheering up. I chose a few odds and ends that I know Emma won't miss. A purple feather boa for Roxanne, the five-year-old vamp. A pretty little notebook, never used, with the letter E on every page for Evie, the little scholar. A Guatemalan purse for sensible Kaeli, who declined, saying she doesn't want to accumulate too much stuff. A girl after my own heart. 

Also in the box: a giant kids' atlas of the world, which my own kids have outgrown but which might now be good for Karl's classroom, a pair of women's ice skates size 7, a hat box, and a little red Snoopy t-shirt.

All this painting, cleaning and chaos. I am sure I will soon get used to our bigger, quieter, cleaner house. 


For sure. 

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