Finding the AAUW book drop off was like falling through the looking glass. In my head, I had the drop-off timed perfectly such that I could finish the errand and get to Saline High School in time for Sam's 1:00 game. The AAUW web site said it was in north end of the Target shopping mall, over on Oak Valley Drive. I never go over that way, so I didn't realize the construction had closed off Ann Arbor-Saline Road entirely. The detour routed me around Briarwood. To be on the safe side, I continued around to Ellsworth then turned right on Lohr Road, past Meijer, to approach the Target shopping mall from the east. I was flabbergasted when I got to Ann Arbor-Saline Road and found it closed from that direction as well. All you could see were huge orange construction fences and detour signs. From where I sat, it appeared that the entire mall had entirely disappeared. Since there was apparently no way to get to Target at all, I figured the entire shopping mall was closed. By then it was already quarter to 1. I had no idea where the AAUW drop-off was any more. I pulled an illegal u-turn, giving up on the errand even though I'd been planning it for weeks. I was already going to be late for Sam's game.
At the next intersection, I saw a tiny sign board with "AAUW" and an arrow pointing left. I was in the wrong lane. I had to make a snap decision: should I be even later to the soccer game, or go ahead with the damned book drop-off? Well, the game was the second of three that day, a tournament, so I knew I'd be spending hours at Saline High School. I doubted Sam would notice the exact time I arrived at the game. pulled another illegal u-turn, peering around all the while for more little signs with "AAUW" on them. In the end, it was easy. If I'd gone by way of Scio Church Road, it would have taken 15 minutes. It took me 45.
I realize all this is probably pretty boring to read. It's all about mundane frustrations, and how you make plans and they don't always turn out as planned.
Road construction.
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