Saturday, August 23, 2014

Simpsons and Bugs Bunny Poster

Day 157: Simpsons and Bugs Bunny Posters
Too tired to write. Too tired to eat. Too tired to read. Perhaps not too tired for a beer.  

Painted Sam's former room today. The intention was to make it Emma's room but frankly, it looks exactly like a guest room. The only thing Emma about it is the prom dress in the closet. The furniture is my childhood bed and vanity, so maybe it looks a little like my room. But it doesn't look one little bit like Emma's room. 

I spent the day vacuuming, dusting, painting, moving furniture, repairing stuff and lugging things from the basement to the second floor. Emma spent the day auditioning for the Ball State improv group, which we only know from
Facebook. I've always thought she could make it as a comedian. I wonder how it went. I wonder if she will ever come home and live in this room that looks like a guest room. 


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