Day 162: Leaky House and Broken Sandals
You get what you pay for with garden hoses. The pricey ones last forever. The cheap ones often don't last a season. At Home Depot, you can spend $10 for a light duty fifty-foot hose, or $60 for the same length, heavy duty. Although the bargain hunter in me recoils, I think I'm finally ready to commit to heavy duty, straight down the line. It isn't just the fact that I keep having to get rid of garden hoses every year. It's also that the light duty variety are kinky, slithery and leaky. Is it useful? Within limits. Does it give joy? Absolutely not - it gives frustration. Heavy duty is a joy to use, an all-in-one minimalists' dream.
I discovered that the end of this leaky kinky cheap hose was crushed when I tried to screw it into the faucet yesterday. The same day, my Firkenstocks - which cost $25 and which I've had for only three months - fell apart in my hands.
Note to self. It's neither a bargain nor ecofriendly to buy junk that falls apart within weeks. Heavy duty hoses. Brand name Birkenstocks.
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