Day 143: How to Be Good and Other Books
Stuff is like the Purloined Letter. The thing you're looking for is in plain sight, hidden amongst an abundance of similar but useless items.
It's as true for books as it is for cloth napkins, socks, tupperware and jewelery. Here is the short stack of seven books I'm getting rid of today, mostly good reads, except The Daughter of Persia and An Atlas of the Difficult World, which were a little chewier:
Now, here's the stack of books we obtained one way or another because they looked good, which I didn't get to right away, and which gradually got subsumed into the overwhelming weight of other books on the shelf:
I'm especially excited about the Ann Packer book, and the book about water politics in Florida, and, of course, Lives of the Monster Dogs. Who wouldn't be excited about Lives of the Monster Dogs?
I'm hoping this stack of books will keep me company next week, after I drop off Emma Jane at Ball State.
6,458 days down, four to go.
She does say she's moving back home next summer. Unless she gets a job at Disneyland.
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