Thursday, December 25, 2014

Cloth Bags

Day 281: Cloth Bags

How I wish I could take a day off - Christmas day! - from blogging. Nothing makes me appreciate my home technology like traveling. I'm ready to stab this very slow computer with a carving knife.

Such a strange Christmas day. Here we are, back in Saint Augustine, with its fresh, cool wind, wide sand beach and sunsets like rainbow sorbet. Jane's next-door-neighbor has a yard full of Christmas light reindeer that turn their heads while "Jingle Bells" plays over and over. We opened gifts last night instead of this morning, and today we all got to chew stocking-stuffer Five gum on the six-hour drive from Captiva to St. Augustine. Last night, after the presents were opened and admired, we finished watching It's a Wonderful Life on network t.v., interspersed with many, many commercials, mostly advertising Christmas presents for dogs. The commercial-free YouTube version has the lips and voices out of symch, which interferes with the sentiment.

I have decided that these little cloth bags, which have been stored in the wrapping paper bin, will never be suitable for wrapping gifts. Off they go. This year, I splurged on wrapping paper, which we disposed of in the resort garbage bin. We left a significant tip for the housekeeping staff to thank them for clearing it all away on Christmas day.

Oysters for dinner.

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