Sunday, December 28, 2014

Garbage Disposer Part

Day 284: Garbage Disposer Part
We are cursed, at least insofar as garbage disposers are concerned. We burn one out every couple years or so. If I ever lose my job, I could have a second career installing garbage disposers. We don't compost to nourish our garden or to help the environment. We compost to prolong the relentlessly short life of our latest garbage disposer.

New garbage disposers come with the main machine - the garbage disposer itself - and with the static parts that get installed in and under the sink to hold the machine in place and create the finished look. These things never break or wear out. They accumulate under the sink like mouse turds or old raggedy towels. Yet they are so sturdy, so upstanding and solid - inanimate Calvinists, primed and ready for heaven - that you just can't bring yourself to toss them out with the rest of the packaging.  

You never know when you might want to install a new sink pipe liner.

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