Saturday, December 27, 2014

Dog Toys

Day 283: Dog Toys
It's strange to be here in Saint Augustine without Harpo. I keep thinking he's at my feet, or beside my hand. I feel regret, walking down the beach without him.  I wonder if he's forgotten all about us, playing with all those other dogs and sleeping on Amy's sofa at The Naughty Dog Cafe.

Even though he wasn't with us for Christmas, I still bought him a Christmas present, a little green stuffed bunny with a sticker on its chest that read "Practically Indestructible." That proved to be untrue as Harpo removed the squeaker and all the stuffing within 36 hours. He had fun doing it, though, so it was worth the two bucks I spent on it at TJ Maxx. 

I've never had a dog who loved toys more than Harpo. We keep them in a metal basket on top of his crate. He delicately sifts through them, gently picking them up with his teeth and setting them aside until he finds the one he wants, like a picky eater with a box of chocolates. Of the three toys I'm getting rid of, two are the equivalent of jelly creams (no one will ever eat them) and one is completely trashed.

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