Friday, June 20, 2014

Art Board

Day 93: Art Board
The label 'art board' is high falutin' for this moldy cupboard-backing that sat in a puddle in the basement for a few weeks before we realized we hadn't thoroughly cleaned up the flood. Believe it or not, this thing has sentimental value. We call it an art board because, when the kids were little, we'd lay it on the floor along with construction paper, pastels, watercolors, crayons and markers. Much of the art on the art walls was created on this art board. 

The arts walls are part of a closet room; its walls are completely papered with years of kid art. No need to mention that the art on the art walls will be pretty near impossible to get rid of. 

Another barrier to getting rid of the art board: it has to go into the garbage (treated wood) but it won't fit. I'll have to take an axe to it. 

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