Monday, June 9, 2014

Greeting Cards

Day 82: Greeting Cards
Greeting cards are flowing into our house this week. Emma's high school graduation yesterday. My birthday today (50!). Sam's birthday Friday (16!). 

I started buying boxes of cards at Costco a few years ago to make it easier to get ready for the numerous kid birthday parties. When you have two careers and two busy children, you'll do anything to eliminate an errand.

What's left now are a few odd fussy birthday cards, get well cards and wedding congratulations. Also in the boxes are dozens of old cards that we've received over the years. I keep the cards partly out of sentiment, and partly because I feel guilty about the environmental impact of greeting cards. Read them once and throw them away? What a waste! I have the idea that I can make the used cards into something new.

There's a system here. The blue box contains new cards, the green one, used. But the green box is covered with dust, tucked away in a corner. This morning, I went through it. Looked at friends' family Christmas photos from years ago. Read hand-written sentimental valentine messages from Rich to me. Read sentimental birthday messages from grandparents to Sam and Emma. Saved a couple that I couldn't bear to toss in the recycling bin.

I wish I could bottle up the joy and pride from this week and put it away in a cardboard box. Dust it off later, when the kids have moved on and the house is quiet. Sip a little, and remember.

1 comment:

  1. Now, THIS one made me misty! I love you and happy birthday, Mrs. Kareny!
