Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Soccer Magazines and Sports Illustrated

Day 91: Soccer Magazines and Sports Illustrated Magazines
I spent eight hours today driving Sam and his friend Dylan to soccer camp in Bloomington, Indiana. Now I'm sitting in our tiny hotel room in the Ball State University hotel, waiting for Emma's freshman orientation tomorrow. My stomach hurts a little from inactivity and junk food. 

It's a miracle I'm writing this blog today at all. I'm bound and determined to keep my resolution to write every day. I actually took most of these sports magazines to the library free rack last weekend, knowing I wouldn't be home today. When I dropped off a few more yesterday, the 100 or more I'd left on Sunday were already gone. Maybe it's the World Cup, or maybe people just have an infinite appetite for free stuff.

Meanwhile, crises at work make me long (yet again) for a sabbatical year. Why do only faculty get them? If I could take off one year in seven, I could keep working forever. Frankly, vacation days like these just aren't very refreshing.

Did I mention that it was 100 degrees in Bloomington today?

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