What is it with IKEA? Why are there always too many parts, or too few? And why, when there are extra parts, am I afraid to get rid of them, even after the assembled item has been in use for months?
In just 52 days, we are going to have to decide whether to allow Sam to move himself and his IKEA bed into his sister's bedroom. According to the video about transitioning to college, which I and 200 other parents watched the day before yesterday at the Ball State orientation, a lot of younger siblings move into their older sibling's superior bedrooms the minute the door slams. And Emma's room certainly is superior, being twice the size with twice the windows and twice the closet space. Also the door latches.
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume this thing is recyclable.
Let him have the room. If the older duckling returns home, she does so to a smaller room. This could be enough incentive for the older duckling to find its own nest.