Saturday, June 14, 2014


Day 87: Stars
I have been saving these stars for months - years? - to give to my niece, Evie. People say Evie looks like me, and I certainly relate to her. One of the many things we share is difficulties with sleep. In the last house I lived in, Rich and I had a skylight above our bed. When I had trouble sleeping, I could lie in bed and gaze at the stars. It was the thing I missed most when we moved to the house we're in now.

In the new house (we've been here eleven years), I have a few of these glowing plastic stars on the ceiling above our bed. I meant to add these to make a full starry night, but never got around to it. Just the few I have are enough to evoke the peaceful feelings of a full night sky.

I don't know if Evie has had the experience of sleeping out under the stars. The utter blackness. At first, frogs and crickets. Later, silence. Sometimes, owls. Sleeplessness, yes. But peaceful.

Perhaps these stars can evoke that peace for Evie. Sleepless rest, in peace.

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