Sunday, September 21, 2014

Folding Sewing Table

Day 185: Folding Sewing Table
This table was specifically designed for sewing machines. Several years ago, I replaced it with a glass-top table etched with a lovely flower pattern, a larger, more beautiful surface. The sewing table is perhaps more functional than the table, but I didn't hesitate. 

I just spent a very pleasant hour in the attic, making a baby blanket for our week-old next-door-neighbor. There's something very pleasing - very peaceful - about touching and using ancient technologies like glass and needles and thread, glancing out the window at the big mapls tree, leaves just beginning to turn, and listening to the rain on the roof. The sturdy laminate folding table would perhaps have been easier on my back, but working in a lovely setting is easier on the spirit.

Now, if I was a professional seamstress, or even a more serious crafter, I might prefer functional furnishings. I hope such a person finds this table at the PTO Thrift Shop, and gets the thrill of the find, and the value of its utility. May the force be with you, unknown crafter.

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