Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Microwave Plate

Day 187: Microwave Plate
It is 9:24 pm. I am ready to read, and relax, and sleep. Just returned from Sam's soccer game, which ended 0-0. Spent a half-hour at home between work and the soccer game, scarfing down a meal Rich made and walking the dog around the block. 

I've been working longer hours than I once did. Microwaves are good for people who stop by the house for a half-hour rushing from one thig to the next. Especially if they are not lucky enough to have a husband who cooks. 

Even so, two microwave plates are not necessary. Somehow this second plate didn't get discarded with the previous (broken) microwave. No need to keep on keeping it clean. 

Recycle bin? Salvation Army?

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