Every woman (and a few enlightened men) is on a perpetual search for the perfect purse. (I can hear your protests: not EVERY woman. Poetic license.) It should be big enough to fit everything you need, but not so big that things get lost in the bottom. It should have a select few pockets placed such that they assist with organizing, but don't hide things. The strap should be the right length - for me, that means long enough to wear hanging from my shoulder and across my chest, so the bag rests on my hip. It should be cute and au courant, but timeless enough to be worth the price. It should be leather so it lasts, a quirky yet pleasing color matching both brown and black shoes. It should be all things to all people.
I've never found it, but I keep looking. This one doesn't fit the bill. (Sorry, Jess!) Nor does the homemade felt one underneath. Nor do the two little woven baskets and the little zippered bags.
Still searching.
Ha! That was a gift from my mother-in-law (didn't you cover gifts in an earlier post?) and part of my 'getting rid of many things, every day for a week because you are moving' project.