Saturday, September 13, 2014

Headless Torso

Day 178: Headless Torso
Venus de Milo? Amputee? Murder victim? This headless torso is one of our odder belongings. Emma got it from a costumer. My daughter actually did use it to alter a black blazer in preparation for auditions in Chicago last year. Later, she used it to display her chintz and satin prom dress, the gauze skirt pooling around the stand like froth beneath a waterfall.

It has moveable parts. You can puff out its chest, or give it a poochy stomach, or fatten up its hips, or enlarge its breasts. It can shrug its shoulders. It can do the twist.

My sister deserves this headless torso. After all, she's taken multiple sewing classes. She's meticulous. She irons her seams. Her scissors are sharp. Her needles pierce.

Besides, this thing gives me the creeps.

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